Heal Your Bladder: How Nutrition Can Help with Chronic Bladder Pain with Mary Cotter {7.9}

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If you've ever experienced the burning pain, the urgency, the sheer inconvenience of a UTI then you'll know  how it can affect you as you go about your every day life. 

But what if it doesn't go away? Or keeps coming back? What if the doctors say there's nothing they can do for you because there's nothing to show in your urine samples?

My guest this week is Mary Cotter and she knows exactly how debilitating that feels, because she suffered from Interstitial Cystitis for years before finally discovering how nutrition can help. She has gone on to create a targeted 90-day whole-body programme to help heal your bladder and find freedom from chronic symptoms.

In the episode we discuss...

  • The difference between chronic UTIs and Interstitial Cystitis

  • Symptoms to look out for

  • The effect of stress on bladder pain

  • How nutrition can help the bladder and what a whole-body approach entails

We end with Mary's top tips to start calming symptoms of chronic UTIs and IC. I learnt so much from this episode because it reminded me how far reaching nutrition and lifestyle changes can be!

Find Mary:

Instagram | Website | Heal your Bladder Programme

Need more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.

DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website.